Meet Margaux of Beara Belts

Meet Margaux of Beara Belts

Meet Margaux of Beara Belts

Choose from a wide selection of colours, finishes and buckles

Choose from a wide selection of colours, finishes and buckles

There’s jewellery, too, all made by Margaux

There’s jewellery, too, all made by Margaux

Belts can be adjusted to fit whilst you wait

Belts can be adjusted to fit whilst you wait

Or you can commission Margaux to make up something  special for you

Or you can commission Margaux to make up something special for you

Margaux sources only ethically tanned leather

Margaux sources only ethically tanned leather

What are some of the things that make your day better?

A nice walk with the dogs in the morning. Little things, like seeing a flower or a bird.

What is your favourite drink?

Water! For necessity, water from a well. In the summer, gin and tonic with ice and lemon and mint.

What are you passionate about?

I love music and when I’m playing music I really, really enjoy it. I play the saxophone, but I don’t think I’m passionate enough to be super good.

What skill would you like to master?

The saxophone! Also, different types of carving onto leather. There are some types of carving that are really difficult. There are a lot of things I’d like to master - harness making, saddle making, shoe making - all these things I don’t yet know how to do.

If you could visit any country right now where would you go?

After Ireland, the next country I want to visit is Mali in Africa and then Mongolia. I got stuck in Ireland for some reason! I’d like to go to Mongolia.

What’s your favourite colour?

Orange, purple and dark red. And yellow.

Describe yourself in three words?

Nice, patient and something else!

Are you usually an early or a late person?

Depends. Sometimes I can get up at 5am with the dogs and other times it can be 12 o’clock before I leave the house. It depends on my mood.